Choose your roofing material carefully because it will have a significant impact on the cost, appearance, performance, maintenance, and durability of your new roof. When it comes to roofing materials and styles, the options are virtually endless. If you are from Eau Claire, WI, and need more information, then look no further than Roofing Monkey. Get in touch with us at 715-716-6493.
New metal roofs have a number of advantages, including the following:

A properly installed, high-quality metal roof should last 40 to 50 years, keeping out water, withstanding strong winds, and shedding snow with ease. Longevity is a major benefit of metal construction due to its resistance to fire, mildew, insects, and rotting. There is a range of 1 to 3 pounds per square foot of metal roofing, depending on its thickness and profile. It is one of the lightest roofing materials. Because of its light weight, metal roofing allows you to save money on the design and construction of the supporting structure. Due to metal roofing’s light weight, it is often possible to reduce the number of roof support members.

Class A fire rating indicates that they are non-flammable (the most fire-resistant rating). They will not be ignited by flying sparks and embers. Just keep in mind that a roof’s overall classification is based on the materials beneath the surface that could catch fire in extremely high temperatures, as well. Reflective metal surfaces reduce heat gain during the midday hours. Because of this reflective property, you can reduce the amount of energy required for cooling during the day. Rain and snow have no chance of penetrating a metal roof because of the interlocking panels and the smooth, non-porous surfaces. The dark colors of metal roofing quickly warm up in the sun and help to speed up the process of melting snow. If you are from Eau Claire, WI, and need more information, then look no further than Roofing Monkey. Get in touch with us at 715-716-6493.